Continuing Professional Development (CPD) refers to the process through which professionals maintain and enhance their knowledge, skills, and abilities throughout their careers.

CPD Requirements for Occupational Therapists: Legal Framework

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a cornerstone of maintaining professional competence and ethical practice for Occupational Therapists in Australia. In addition to being a regulatory requirement, it that ensures you’re always up-to-date with the latest evidence-based practices and industry standards.

Occupational Therapists in Australia are regulated Occupational Therapy Board, which is part of the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), formed in July 2010. AHPRA administers the Health Practitioner Law.

Section 128 of the Health Practitioner National Law states.

(1)A registered health practitioner must undertake the continuing professional development required by an approved registration standard for the health profession in which the practitioner is registered.

(This requirement is common across Australia, you can read the Qld law here, the NSW law here, and the Vic law here.)

The National Law requires all Boards to develop a continuing professional development (CPD) registration standard. The Occupational Therapy Board sets out guidelines for Occupational Therapists to meet their obligation under Section 128 of the National Law.

What Counts as CPD for Occupational Therapists?

To meet this standard, you must:

Complete 20 CPD Hours Annually:

  • Focus on improving patient/client outcomes and experiences;
  • Utilize evidence-based practices and research;
  • Enhance your competence and stay updated in your field;
  • Build upon your existing knowledge; and,
  • Dedicate at least five hours to interactive learning with peers.

Maintain a CPD Portfolio:

  • Document your learning goals;
  • Record all planned and completed CPD activities; and,
  • Reflect on how these activities have improved or will improve your practice.

The OTB provides that the following can be considered professional development:

  • Attending a seminar (to the extent it meets your planned learning needs and build on your knowledge and/or competence, kept you up to date, or improved patient outcomes);
  • Meeting with colleagues;
  • Practice observation of another practitioner;
  • Read journal articles;
  • Work-based learning;
  • Cultural safety training; and,
  • Higher education.

Can I complete the CPD requirements for an Occupational Therapist online?

Yes. There is no requirement for Occupational Therapy CPD to be undertaken in person.

Can I include legal, administrative and communication skills training for my Occupational Therapist CPD requirements?

It depends. The guidelines are not clear, however while there is considerable latitude in the selection process for seminars, they must build on your knowledge and/or competence as a practitioner. It is for the individual practitioner to reflect on how this is achieved.

What is the CPD year for an Occupational Therapist?

The Board’s CPD registration standard requires you to complete 20 hours of CPD in every registration period from 1 December to 30 November, annually.

What CPD evidence is required for an Occupational Therapist?

The focus in the guidelines is on the reflection portfolio prepared by individual practitioner, however it is prudent to maintain the necessary support evidence in the unlikely case the practitioner is audited by the board.

Please note that this information is intended as a general guide and may not cover all specific circumstances. It’s essential to consult the official guidelines and regulations from the Occupational Therapy Board for the most accurate and up-to-date information

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